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Preventing Fraud with Document Authentication

Two step process

Fraudulent Purchases and Returns

Credit card numbers and personal information are all for sale on the dark web. This has made online fraud much easier. Criminals will use stolen, synthetic, or fake credentials to purchase items, return items they didn’t purchase, and more. Being certain of who you are dealing with is the way out of fraud. Our solutions have helped prevent a wide variety of fraud online and off.


OFS is an authorized reseller and strategic partner to Intellicheck, the worlds leading solution provider of ID Verification services. 

The Solution

Highly Accurate Identity Validation

Mobile Purchases

Any time a large purchase is made, a text is automatically sent to the customer asking them to validate their license with their mobile device.

The Result:

No More Fraud

Our solutions provide your customers with an easy way to authenticate their license and eliminate fraud, all in less than 3 seconds. It’s a smart and effective way to protect your customers and your reputation.

In-Person Receipts and Returns

When a customer receives a delivery or returns an item, validate that the right person receives the goods or is making the return. Use Intellicheck to validate their license and be certain.

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